We didn't have beer but "beer & burgers" does sound nice, and we were considering bringing beer. The snapple wasn't bad at all though! we had mango madness, cranberry, kiwi & strawberry. besides the real food was so utterly good that the non-existent beer wasn't even missed. :D
Dinner was whipped up in a flurry at home in less than an hour before we dashed out in the car with Fifi & Scott (our super duper cute princess cocker spaniel & our 7mth old labrador pup). Sunday picnic dinner! It was really great, with a strong (and i do mean strong) sea breeze and the relaxing sound of the waves, there was no better ambience we could have had for our put-your-feet-up & relax Sunday evening.
Dinner comprised greasy beef burgers cooked in bacon oil & butter, packed between layers of melted cheese, lettuce, browned onions, ketchup, honey mustard & of course burger buns. For the platinum burgers, a slice of back bacon was added. And for the ultimate deluxe burger, it had a double layer beef burger AND a slice of back bacon. Juicy, oily, tasty. There goes the dream of being fit & slim. Dammit.
Abby was mostly in charge of the burgers and it was so fun splitting the jobs in the kitchen. I did the pasta and it tasted pretty good immediately after but was a bit stumped why the taste disappeared when served by the beach. :S It was a simple Jamie Oliver pasta salad recipe using extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar, basil & marjoram and sea salt, not to forget lots of cherry tomatoes. I added strips of fried bacon that Abby helped me to cook, and capsicums but I suppose I've still got lots to improve when it comes to pasta like this. The potato wedges weren't tres yummy but it was addictive just popping them in my mouth. So unhealthy right?

So cheers to a dinner well-done by the Lim sisters, and of course to the good clean-up done by everyone. Muacks to the pooches who were so adorable they melted our hearts and kudos to Abby for comin up with the idea. Now I'm gonna be a happy fatty all the way till Tuesday when reality strikes cause of the photoshoot. YIKES! Someone kill me now.
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